Supporting workers and communities by unlocking aluminum’s clean energy future.
The potential for zero-carbon aluminum is limitless. Clean aluminum is the material that will forge a clean energy future.
Globally, primary aluminum demand is forecasted to increase by 40% by 2050, according to the International Aluminum Institute. The vast majority of emissions from primary aluminum’s emissions come from electricity use.
We have solutions that can be implemented now: renewable energy can eliminate emissions from electricity generation, and emerging inert-anode technology could deeply reduce or eliminate non-power emissions from aluminum production.
Zero-carbon aluminum will be essential to electric vehicles, solar panels, transmission lines, and countless other tools of the clean energy economy. It’s also critical for national security that we have control over our supply chains.
By increasing primary aluminum production in the US, we can create stable, good paying jobs and see the industry revitalized and growing.

Our Network
The Sustainable Aluminum Network represents a network of organizations dedicated to finding innovative solutions to revive and decarbonize the American aluminum industry.